DIY Portable LEGO Compatible Wall

We love seeing how creative you all get with our Peel 'n Stick Baseplates! Here is a simple way to create a portable LEGO Compatible makerspace, perfect for any kid's bedroom, courtesy of @hannahfromcalifornia.

DIY Portable LEGO Compatible Wall


Materials Needed:

  • Creative QT Peel 'n Stick Baseplates - I used 8 grey baseplates but they have lots of different colors
  • Large magnetic whiteboard - we got this one from Amazon for $30
  • Sharp utility or craft knife for cutting the baseplates
  • LEGOs or other building bricks (we actually used the larger DUPLOs)


DIY Portable LEGO Compatible Wall


A LEGO compatible building board on one side and a magnetic board on the other! Best of both worlds, right?! This idea came to me in the middle of the night…you know, one of those nights when you can’t sleep and end up redesigning an entire room of your house in your head or adding far too many items to your Amazon wish list.


We had this giant magnetic board that was frequently played with, and the other side was just some smooth cardboard. It was the PERFECT surface for something…LEGOs!! When it hit me, I knew I had to do it, and thanks to Creative QT's Peel 'n Stick Baseplates, it couldn’t have been easier.


DIY Portable LEGO Compatible Wall


The baseplates are very easy to cut to size. I used a star craft knife and cut against a line of bricks to make sure it was a straight break. Then all I had to do was peel off the sticky backing and attach the baseplates to the board.


DIY Portable LEGO Compatible Wall


My son loves his building brick wall. I love that it is portable, and multi purpose with the magnetic whiteboard still easily accessible on the back.


DIY Portable LEGO Compatible Wall


Thanks so much Hannah for sharing this fun DIY project with us!


Creative QT designs quality + innovative toys that declutter homes and inspire creative play. Founded by parents of five, Adam and Dana Sue Hinkle, Creative QT’s vision is to empower parents and encourage a culture of families that Make Time Together. All products are designed to enrich families’ lives through active, creative play and play based learning. Creative QT products are laboratory tested for compliance with CPSC requirements and are free of lead, cadmium and phthalates so you can play with confidence. So, go ahead … today is the day: be your kid’s hero.

"LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site."


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