Pinterest Round-Up: Egg-cellent Easter Hunt Ideas!

Wanting to do something a little different this year for your kids' Easter egg hunt? Us too! That's why we spent hours stalking Pinterest's finest ideas (and munching on chocolate eggs, in the name of research of course), to find you five really cool and totally novel egg hunt ideas!



1. Time Together Egg Surprises by Play Party Plan



We love this idea to skip the candy and fill your kids' eggs with coupons for fun activities together. Our kids would love cracking open the eggs to discover loads of fun activities together to look forward to!


2. Easter egg Hunt Checklist by A Mom's Take


Pinterest Round-Up: Egg-cellent Easter Hunt Ideas!


If your kids are a little bit older you might be looking to add an extra challenge so that they don't just pick up all the eggs, leaving none for the littles to discover. Here's a great printable full of checklist challenges.


3. Balloon Eggs by Celebrations at Home


Pinterest Round-Up: Egg-cellent Easter Hunt Ideas!


How completely genius and adorable is this idea to tie balloons to the eggs to help toddlers on their enthusiastic travels to collect eggs. And what toddler doesn't love a balloon to play with as well as an egg!!


4. An Easter egg Puzzle by Make the Best of Everything


Pinterest Round-Up: Egg-cellent Easter Hunt Ideas!


We've wanted to try this for several years and just never quite seem to get organized in time. Simply buy a blank puzzle (like this one) and write a message on it. It could be a favorite quote, or even announcing a fun family trip you have planned. Put one puzzle piece in each egg and encourage your kids to work together to complete the puzzle!


5. Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt by Lil' Luna


Pinterest Round-Up: Egg-cellent Easter Hunt Ideas!


This Easter egg hunt certainly has the novelty factor. Use larger sized eggs and include a glow stick so that your kids can enjoy a night-time hunt in the yard! Our kids would think this is pretty cool!



There are so many cool ideas out there! As our kids love puzzles I think we might have to try the puzzle pieces hunt this year. Which one will you try?



Creative QT designs quality + innovative toys that declutter homes and inspire creative play. Founded by parents of five, Adam and Dana Sue Hinkle, Creative QT’s vision is to empower parents and encourage a culture of families that Make Time Together. All products are designed to enrich families’ lives through active, creative play and play based learning. Creative QT products are laboratory tested for compliance with CPSC requirements and are free of lead, cadmium and phthalates so you can play with confidence. So, go ahead … today is the day: be your kid’s hero.

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