Make Time Together
Here at Creative QT we believe that nothing brings more joy to a family than the simple act of choosing to make time together. Our hope is that our products enrich families lives through imaginative, creative play and that our brand is an encouraging reminder for families to choose to Make Time Together.
"You hear it over and over again from your parents and friends with older kids. 'Before you know it, they’re graduated and moving out' or 'the days are long, but the years are short.’ There are a hundred variations of this phrase but at the core of it is a warning from veteran parents to us newbies; and it’s this: you only have a little time with your kids, so use it wisely,” says Dana Sue, Creative QT co-founder.
The reality of families spending quality time together is diminishing. Less than half of American families eat dinner together three times a week. Even more eye-opening, the average American child aged 6-11 watches approximately 28 hours of television each week. The need for families to Make Time Together has never been greater.
Make Time Together is our simple reminder for families that time is fleeting. The golden years are now; the time to be the hero in our child’s life is now. The time to turn off the television and to engage in creative, active, imaginative play is now. We can fret about yesterday or worry about tomorrow, but the only thing we truly can have an impact on is TODAY.
You’ll be seeing a lot more content on the Creative QT blog from now on. We have a slew of fun, creative ideas for ways that you can use our products, declutter your home, engage your kids in play-based learning and more that we can’t wait to share with you. We also want your input! What kind of content do you want to see from us? If you have an amazing idea of how you’ve used our products, please share so we can feature it. Have a creative way that your family chooses to make time together? Please share! Leave us comments in the comment section below, we would love to hear from you!
Our hope is that Creative QT will be your go-to source for creative ideas for play-based learning, decluttering and organization resources and be a voice of encouragement as you navigate parenthood. If you're not already, we'd love for you to follow along with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
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