How Schools Are Using Peel 'n Stick Baseplates for LEGO Activities
Our iconic Peel 'n Stick Baseplate collection can be used for so much more than just building simple LEGO Compatible Tables. In fact, many schools and libraries are using the product to build LEGO Compatible surfaces - including vertical learning spaces like walls and easels, LEGO storage + play caddies and LEGO Compatible tables on wheels.
We love when teachers share pictures of all the creative ways they're using Peel 'n Stick Baseplates to encourage hands-on-learning in the classroom. Here are a few creative ways that teachers across the nation are using Peel 'n Stick Baseplates in their classrooms.
Bailey Community School of Bayonne, NJ
K-8 technology teacher Bessa Wahba built two LEGO Compatible tables out of blue Peel 'n Stick Baseplates. Once is long and skinny and the perfect shape for several students to gather around! The second is a traditional square LEGO Compatible Table and is easily carted around from classroom to classroom.
Groton-Dunstable Regional Middle School, of Groton-Dunstable MA
Digital Learning Coach Julie Ann Sprang built a vertical learning space out of an easel for her students. We love how this allows multiple students to engage and is easily transportable if it needs to be. Check out our full tutorial on how to build an easel makerspace similar to this one!
Marlboro Elementary School of Marlboro, VT
Librarian/ Instructional Technology Specialist Rochelle Garfinkel built a LEGO Compatible Wall out of grey Peel 'n Stick Baseplates for her elementary school's library. She utilized the LEGO Compatible Wall installation project as a learning experience for her 3rd/4th graders by creating a math/measuring project and had small groups of students write proposals for where in the library the wall should be mounted. We love the finished results!
Swallow Union Elementary School of Dunstable, MA
Elementary school teacher Erin Mulligan got super crafty and built some LEGO Compatible play space on top of a unused cabinet ... perfect for LEGO storage! We love how this stores all of the LEGOS and allows multiple students to gather around to build on the top, but also vertical building space on the side.
If you're an educator and have utilized Peel 'n Stick Baseplates in your school, we would love to see pictures! Please reach out to to get your school's Peel 'n Stick Baseplate project featured on the Creative QT Blog!
Creative QT designs quality + innovative toys that declutter homes and inspire creative play. Founded by parents of five, Adam and Dana Sue Hinkle, Creative QT’s vision is to empower parents and encourage a culture of families that Make Time Together. All products are designed to enrich families’ lives through active, creative play and play based learning. Creative QT products are laboratory tested for compliance with CPSC requirements and are free of lead, cadmium and phthalates so you can play with confidence. So, go ahead … today is the day: be your kid’s hero.
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