DIY TARGET HACK! LEGO Compatible Play House

We love finding creative new ways to play with LEGO! And we may or may not be as equally obsessed with the Target Dollar Spot. When we found these miniature play houses, we knew they'd be perfect for our next DIY Peel 'n Stick Baseplate tutorial.

DIY TARGET HACK! LEGO Compatible Play House

Materials Needed:

  • Play House from Target, $5 each from the dollar bin section (available in red, pink, white and blue)
  • Creative QT Peel 'n Stick Baseplate off-cuts (we used leftover pieces of gray, blue, pink and purple). If buying new for the project, one baseplate is enough to cover one house- see our single baseplate collection here, costing $10.95 each, or go for a pack of 4 mixed green/blue or pink/purple to add extra color, costing $29.95 per pack).
  • Sharp utility or craft knife
  • Craft mat or chopping board
  • Selection of LEGO bricks and figures or building bricks of your choice

DIY TARGET HACK! LEGO Compatible Play House


Check out the video to see how the LEGO Compatible Play House came together. Below there are also a few extra tips to help make sure the project works out perfectly for you and your kiddo!

Cutting the Baseplates:

We have a blog post dedicated to walking you through the steps of How to Cut Peel 'n Stick Baseplates to Size. Make sure you have a sharp utility or craft knife, and create a line of bricks to cut against. Run your knife several times along the line of bricks and then snap the baseplate along that line. This is quite a fiddly project as the house is small, we just eyeballed the process but you could always measure it out more accurately.

DIY TARGET HACK! LEGO Compatible Play House

Rough Edges:

If after cutting the baseplates, you see some rough edges, just use some sandpaper or even a nail file to smooth them out.

Placing the Peel 'n Stick Baseplate:

As we already mentioned, we just eyeballed the positioning of the pieces of baseplate carpet and wallpaper. Be careful as once the adhesive contacts the shelf, it will stick for good! We found it easiest to do the sticking with the shelf lying down flat as we could apply some gentle force. Have all your baseplate pieces neatly laid out ready for sticking to speed up the process!

DIY TARGET HACK! LEGO Compatible Play House

We had a very enthusiastic four-year-old test out the play house and as you can see from the pictures, he thought it was pretty awesome! He set to work building a bedroom, a living room with a tv and fireplace, fixtures, fittings, and artwork on the walls, and a bathroom complete with toilet and tap! Oh and an attic with a 'thinking chair.'


Encourage your kids to use their imagination to build creatively with the bricks that they have available to them. Once the house is built, watch as hours of fun follows!

DIY TARGET HACK! LEGO Compatible Play House

DIY TARGET HACK! LEGO Compatible Play House


Creative QT designs quality + innovative toys that declutter homes and inspire creative play. Founded by parents of five, Adam and Dana Sue Hinkle, Creative QT’s vision is to empower parents and encourage a culture of families that Make Time Together. All products are designed to enrich families’ lives through active, creative play and play based learning. Creative QT products are laboratory tested for compliance with CPSC requirements and are free of lead, cadmium and phthalates so you can play with confidence. So, go ahead … today is the day: be your kid’s hero.

"LEGO®is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site."

Reviews (1 comment)

  • Xena On

    I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you think I can find this house on target website?

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