DIY DUPLO Compatible Toddler Suitcase

If your toddler is anything like ours then they can usually be found attempting to leave the house with arms full of toys, snacks, accessories and goodness knows what else. That's why we came up with this easy DIY Peel 'n Stick Baseplate hack so that your little one can take their favorite bricks out with them, minus the spillages every other step.


DIY DUPLO Compatible Toddler Suitcase


This DIY hack really is easy to do and takes a matter of minutes. Here's what you need:

- One Creative QT® DUPLO Compatible Peel 'n Stick Baseplate (we chose gray)
- Small storage suitcase (ours is from Michaels costing $3.99)
- Sharp utility or craft knife and cutting board
- Selection of DUPLO bricks


One Creative QT DUPLO Compatible Peel 'n Stick Baseplate 2


Once you have all of your materials gathered simply mark out the size of the baseplate piece you need for the suitcase using the DUPLO bricks. Use the sharp utility knife on the cutting board to cut against the line of bricks (this helps to get a straight cut).


One Creative QT DUPLO Compatible Peel 'n Stick Baseplate 5


Once you have cut the baseplate to size, simply peel off the red backing and stick it onto the surface of the suitcase. It helps if you apply some pressure to ensure that all of the baseplate adhesive contacts the suitcase.


One Creative QT DUPLO Compatible Peel 'n Stick Baseplate 4


There you have it, your toddler DUPLO Compatible suitcase is ready for play!


Toddler DUPLO Compatible suitcase


We decided to add a fun selection of red and purple bricks, as well as a few people and animals. It holds just the right amount for on-the-go play.


One Creative QT DUPLO Compatible Peel 'n Stick Baseplate 3


Our keen little toddler could not wait to start building! She used the bricks to build towers and houses for all of the people and animals to enjoy. A great way for her to develop language skills through imaginative play, as well as improving her fine motor skills.


One Creative QT DUPLO Compatible Peel 'n Stick Baseplate 1


Once your toddler is finished with their play, simply store the bricks inside and then be on your way!


Toddler with DUPLO Compatible suitcase


Our Peel 'n Stick DUPLO Compatible Baseplates are available in gray, blue, red and green and come in packs of four. Shop the full collection here.


Creative QT designs quality + innovative toys that declutter homes and inspire creative play. Founded by parents of five, Adam and Dana Sue Hinkle, Creative QT’s vision is to empower parents and encourage a culture of families that Make Time Together. All products are designed to enrich families’ lives through active, creative play and play based learning. Creative QT products are laboratory tested for compliance with CPSC requirements and are free of lead, cadmium and phthalates so you can play with confidence. So, go ahead … today is the day: be your kid’s hero.
"LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site."

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