Make a Halloween Mummy Puzzle with a CEREAL BOX!

We are super excited to have Mary Alice, from @brainy_beginnings_network fame, join us as a guest blogger. Mary Alice's account is full of awesome activities which focus on creative ideas that inspire community, education and sustainability. You can see her fantastic website here. She has pulled out all the stops to walk us through a fun Mummy Puzzle craft which is made using recycled cereal boxes. Why not spend some time getting creative with your kiddos and enjoying the final few days of Halloween.



Ever looked at your cereal box and thought, “I want to do something with that!”? Here is one idea for you that involves recycling, reusing and cognitive development skills such as shape, and size recognition. Problem solving and logical thinking are also bundled into this Halloween-themed play based learning activity.


Gather the following materials:

* 2 cereal boxes

* White and black paint

* Chalk or white marker

* Scissors

* Pen

* Round Velcro patches

* Pinking shears (optional)


How to Create your Mummy Puzzle:

1. Begin by cutting one cereal box into a flat rectangle. Do this by cutting or pulling apart the top and bottom seams.

2. Place the box, logo side down on a hard, flat surface.

3. Trace a line down the approximate center of the box to give you a reference for the mummy shape. Now draw a circle at the top (for the head) and an oval at the bottom (for the body). The line should run through the center of your shapes.



Don’t worry about how it looks at this point! It will all be covered and beautiful very soon!

4. Paint the mummy black. Wait for it to dry and add eyes.



5. Use the remaining cereal box and the second box to create the gauze wrapping for the mummy. Simply cut long strips. I used pinking shears to do so as it provides a tattered look to the gauze. Normal scissors will work just fine though!

6. The important thing to remember with the strips is to make them distinctly different sizes. This will aid in the effectiveness of the mummy as a puzzle. Make one or two strips quite wide, make one very thin, some very short, some long etc.



7. Paint the strips white. Paint both sides for a really finished look, or just one side if you're in a bit of a rush.

8. After the strips are fully painted and dried, lay them out on the mummy in any way you’d like! Do some long pieces across the center and some short pieces across the face and feet. Cover one portion of one eye to give the appearance of an eye peeking out! SPOOKY! The strips should hang off the edges. You will cut those later, creating more clues for your little ones to use for their puzzle!

9. Take a piece of chalk or white marker and trace around the strips. Paint the area within the traced lines, white. This does not need to be super precise! Rest assured, it will be wonderful!



10. Wait for the paint to dry and place the Velcro dot sticker on the mummy. You may need two for the longer areas.

* To make this process easier, put the top and bottom pieces of the Velcro together prior to placing it on the mummy. You will have two sticky sides. Place one side down on the mummy, leaving the other side for the strip. *  

11. Place the strips back on the mummy in the correct location. Press to ensure the remaining sticky side of the Velcro dot has adhered to the strip.



12. Cut the excess pieces of the strips off from around the mummy. Doing so will create irregular sides on the mummy strips. The irregular sides will provide more clues for your children as to the correct placement of the strips.

Hang it on the wall!

Have a party!

Invite the neighbors over!

Have a great time! And teach the kids while they play!




Creative QT designs quality + innovative toys that declutter homes and inspire creative play. Founded by parents of five, Adam and Dana Sue Hinkle, Creative QT’s vision is to empower parents and encourage a culture of families that Make Time Together. All products are designed to enrich families’ lives through active, creative play and play based learning. Creative QT products are laboratory tested for compliance with CPSC requirements and are free of lead, cadmium and phthalates so you can play with confidence. So, go ahead … today is the day: be your kid’s hero.

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