5 Simple (Last Minute) Ways to Teach Your Kids About Easter

It's so easy to get wrapped up in the egg hunts and Easter Bunny basket planning, that planning intentional activities and time to teach your kids the true meaning of Easter can often get overlooked. Here are some simple, easy ideas that you can use this weekend to teach your kids the true meaning of Easter!

1. Read through The Beginner's Bible for Toddlers pages 139-148 then watch this video! It does an amazing, entertaining job of telling the Easter message in an age-appropriate format. 

2. Engage your kids and make an Easter Story Wreath. They'll enjoy coloring and creating and you can talk through each part of the Easter story as you assemble the wreath. Head to Wee Little Miracles to get free downloads and the tutorial. 

3. These printable Easter conversation cards are a great mix of fun, yet meaningful conversations to have with your whole family! You can print and let the kids embellish with color while you prep the family meal. 

4. Life Tree Family has assembled a wonderful packet full of ideas and activities for engaging your kids in learning the Easter story. Download the packet here. 

5. We couldn't not recommend the popular Resurrection Egg activity. It's a bit more involved to prep for, but it's definitely one that will grab kid's attention and ensure they're focused more on Jesus and less on Easter egg candy. We love happy home fairy's post and resources on this activity. 


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