5 Busy Bags to Keep Toddlers Busy on the Plane
Toddlers and plane journeys are just not an ideal mix, we know that from first hand experience. Over the years we've tried all sorts of tricks to make the process a little less stressful. One strategy that always works for us it to have some toddler-friendly busy bags ready for the flight. Here are five of our kids favorites, all of which easily store in our Mini SlideAway®.
1. Some Simple Art Supplies
Nothing too crazy here, but art supplies never fail to keep our littles entertained, especially when there is something new to explore. Those arrow post-its will no doubt be the biggest hit simply because they have the novelty factor. We went to our local dollar store and put this bag together for $5!
2. A New Building Challenge
Our kids all love to engineer with different materials. These 'skill sticks' are so fun for creating 3D shapes and structures (available at stores such as Walmart and Michaels). We paired them up with some Safari Ltd. Insect Toobs as an invitation to build little habitats. Great for fine motor skills and creative role play too.
3. Peg & Craft Stick Color Match
This simple DIY activity is so much fun for little hands to explore. We used Kwik Stix to add some color to the tips of a few wooden clothes pegs. Our littles then busily color matched the pegs and craft sticks, which was great for their concentration and fine motor skills.
4. Pom Pom Balance
Have you seen these genius SQUIGZ toys before? They are a real favorite around here because they suction onto surfaces. Let's face it, all toddlers love attaching and detaching things right?! We put them in our Mini SlideAway along with some matching colored pom poms and watched as our kids were totally engrossed with simply balancing the pom poms on the SQUIGZ. It's the simple things!
5. Dot Sticker Pattern Match
Are your kids obsessed with dot stickers like ours? This literally takes a matter of minutes to prep but is so perfect for play on the plane. Cut some white card into small strips and draw colored circles on the strips. Challenge your toddler to use the dot stickers to match the color pattern. Once they have completed the cards, ask if they can make some challenge cards for you to do.
As you can see these materials are all fairly inexpensive and easy to transport (especially in our Mini SlideAway!). Keep them easily contained with the rimmed play mat, and make clearing up mid-air as easy as Tip, Play and SlideAway!
Shop the Mini SlideAway and get 10% OFF with the code "SAPLANE10" this month only!