5 Awesome Plane Hack Products for Kids


Are you taking a vacation this Spring Break? Dreading the plane journey? We've got you covered with five awesome products which are sure to make your trip that little bit less stressful!


5 Awesome Plane Hack Products for Kids


1. The Go Happy Travel Tray

If like us you've ever travelled with kids on a plane, you'll relate to the frustration of toys and snacks constantly rolling off the seat trays. This cool travel tray attaches to the seat tray and has rimmed sides so that all those little loose parts stay on the tray. It's also easy to clean and store, making it ideal for on-the-go play and snacking! At $37.50 it's a worthwhile investment if you value your sanity!


5 Awesome Plane Hack Products for Kids


2. JBuddies Folding Headphones

Let's be realistic, screens are pretty much essential when it comes to surviving a long journey with kids. But there's nothing more frustrating than dealing with little people fussing over headphones not working, being too loud or being uncomfortable. It's definitely worth purchasing a reliable pair for your child. We like these JBuddies ones which are $20 a pair.


5 Awesome Plane Hack Products for Kids


3. The Mini SlideAway

Whenever we travel with our kids it seems inevitable that there will be a delay somewhere along the line. It's super handy to have a little selection of toys readily available for play. It's never known where we will be when we need this moment of 'power play' which is why we love bringing along our trusty Creative QT® Mini SlideAway. It's not just a case of the toys being neatly stored in the bag, the main winner is the attached play mat which is rimmed therefore the toys don't go everywhere!


5 Awesome Plane Hack Products for Kids


4. Yumbox for Tapas Style Snacks

If your kids are anything like ours, you'll be dishing out the snacks before the plane has even started to take off! Offering up snacks is often a great tool for boredom busting too when you are mid-journey. Problem is kids will often just have a few of something and then want a different snack. That's why we love using a Yumbox to create a tapas style snack selection which our kids can munch on throughout the trip.


5 Awesome Plane Hack Products for Kids


5. DIY LEGO or DUPLO Compatible Play Box

We love to take some of our DUPLOs or LEGOs with us on our travels. Our kids will happily sit on a plane building lots of different creations. Creative QT® Peel 'n Stick Baseplates are great for transforming containers into building brick play boxes, offering simple storage and also a fun surface to build on. You can check out several different DIY LEGO and DUPLO Compatible container hacks on our blog to find one that's just right for your kiddos.


5 Awesome Plane Hack Products for Kids


We hope you've found those tips for great products to ease the stress of plane journeys with kids. What's your top tip for 'easy' flying with kids?


Shop the Mini SlideAway and get 10% OFF with the code "SAPLANE10" this month only!

Creative QT designs quality + innovative toys that declutter homes and inspire creative play. Founded by parents of five, Adam and Dana Sue Hinkle, Creative QT’s vision is to empower parents and encourage a culture of families that Make Time Together. All products are designed to enrich families’ lives through active, creative play and play based learning. Creative QT products are laboratory tested for compliance with CPSC requirements and are free of lead, cadmium and phthalates so you can play with confidence. So, go ahead … today is the day: be your kid’s hero.
"LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site."

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